this store may be screwed

Abercrombie Legal Team Slips Up, Handing Civil-Rights Victory to Autistic Customer

One day, some promising sociologist or anthropologist will pen a much-needed dissertation explaining and addressing all that is wrong with the corporate psychology of Abercrombie & Fitch. Until then, all we can do is count its many crimes against humanity — refusing to hire or laying off overweight or disabled workers, casual racism, LFO, suing Beyoncé for using the word “fierce.” Today, though, comes word that the frat-boy brand of choice’s own internal ineptitude has actually forwarded the cause of human rights. Back in 2005, the beautiful, physically perfect employees of an A&F store in Minnesota’s Mall of America expelled an autistic 14-year-old girl and her sister for the sin of going into a dressing room together. Shocking, but hardly surprising given the brand’s track record. The state’s Department of Human Rights levied A&F with a $115,264 fine and forced employees to undergo sensitivity training. Naturally, the company planned to appeal, but somehow their legal team didn’t understand the state’s legal process and are now compelled to meet the requirements of the ruling without any further recourse. It’s a fitting path to justice for a corporation that acts like it preferred keg stands to studying when working toward its J.D.

Abercrombie fail: Appeal tossed after mailing error [City Pages]

Abercrombie Legal Team Slips Up, Handing Civil-Rights Victory to Autistic Customer