worth every penny

Modeling Pictures of 15-Year-Old Angelina Jolie in a Crop Top to Be Auctioned

What you see here is not a rendering of Nylon’s dream cover. It is a photograph of a 15-year-old Angelina Jolie, from her very first modeling shoot with photographer Harry Langdon. The shot will be auctioned on Friday in California along with others in the series, in which Jolie wears things like a leopard-print dress, jean shorts, and a crop top. The school-portrait background aside, this shot doesn’t actually look that dated, which begs the question, Angelina Jolie: hipster pioneer? It’s good to know that though times may change, some things, such as Angelina’s skin, remain the same.

Model Jolie [Vogue UK]

Modeling Pictures of 15-Year-Old Angelina Jolie in a Crop Top to Be Auctioned