
Lauren Santo Domingo’s Husband Admits He Ran Over Someone Else’s Foot

Andres and Lauren Santo Domingo.
Andres and Lauren Santo Domingo. Photo: BILLY FARRELL/

Yesterday, Andres Santo Domingo, husband of the founder and Vogue contributing editor, plead guilty in Manhattan Criminal Court to running over 26-year-old Ryan Coutu’s foot (and hitting him in the elbow with the car’s mirror) in midtown last year, and driving off in his Mercedes Benz. Of the sentencing, the Post waxes poetic:

“You’re not getting me!” [Santo Domingo] shouted afterward at a news photographer, hiding his face behind his community service paperwork — he’ll have to do six days worth, and suffer a 90-day driving suspension — as he bolted out of the courthouse. He took off — on foot — up Centre Street, his open blazer flapping in the wind.

Coutu, who is still suing Santo Domingo for $100 million in civil court for causing nerve damage, released the following statement:

After having to endure surgery and spending over 100 days in physical therapy it does seem unfair that the criminal only gets six days community service, but at least he finally admitted to what he did. Sentencing is the judge’s job — my job is only to get better. Hopefully he won’t plow anyone else down.

Not for the next three months, anyway.

Andres Santo Domingo Drove Over Someone’s Foot