dust storm

A Tale of Jennifer Lawrence, a Pale Dress, and Dorito Dust

You won’t believe it, but here is a story about Jennifer Lawrence, snack foods, and adorable clumsiness. It’s truly a trifecta of a tale straight from Hollywood, the place of whimsical tales of fancy. The story comes from Michael Wilkinson, the costume designer for American Hustle.

While Lawrence was dressed like a babely seventies babe in a pale, metallic, clingy jersey dress, she snacked on Doritos and accidentally smudged her dress. But don’t fear that this story doesn’t have a happy ending, because it does; there is a simple plot detail that accounts for everything turning out all right. Lawrence’s character was supposed to spill Champagne on her dress, so they had four backups. Here’s Wilkinson:

 And I’m kind of glad we did because Jennifer Lawrence is a very … let’s say … raw and intuitive young lady, and she’s not against eating Doritos and snack food in her costume. So we were glad that we had a couple [backups].

Can you just hear a tickle of criticism in the word intuitive? It’s always a fascinating surprise when words you didn’t know could be mildly insulting take a turn for the pejorative.

Jennifer Lawrence, a Pale Dress, and Dorito Dust