
Are Drake and Rihanna in Love in Paris?

Photo: ABFR/AKM Images / GSI Media

Rihanna and Drake are perhaps the most intriguing celebrity couple playing a will-they-won’t-they game of romance. Recent dispatches out of Paris suggest they tilt toward the they-will side of this amorous seesaw.

The pair dated a while ago, but Drake recently said they’re not currently a couple. Even after making a delightful scene at a strip club or skipping the Grammys last month to party together, they aren’t together together.

On Monday, gossip reports placed Rihanna in the audience at Drake’s concert in Paris, and then dodging photographers in order to chat and dance with relative privacy at Soixante Dix Neuf. Then last night, at Drake’s concert in Paris, they both wore all-white outfits onstage and sang “Take Care” to each other in front of a zillion squealing people and even their grinding seemed kind of sweet and Rihanna looked all shy, and when has Rihanna looked shy grinding on stuff? Also — semi-indecipherable because it’s a fan-snapped video — but post-grindin’ Drake seems to say something like “Rihanna, you’re pretty” or “I love you, baby.” Either way, here’s a dreamy photo of them said fan posted walking offstage together. They look together together. 

Drake directly addressed his relationship with Rihanna in his recent Rolling Stone profile. He said something superlatively complimentary about her, but also a little ambiguous about his feelings, which would certainly function as a carefully crafted siren call to an ex:

She’s the ultimate fantasy. I mean, I think about it. Like, ‘Man, that would be good.’ We have fun together, she’s cool and shit. But we’re just friends. That’s my dog for life.

There are not enough celebrity couples playing the long game. Props to that.

Are Drake and Rihanna in Love in Paris?