
Shailene Woodley Might Hug Everyone Who Interviews Her

Photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

Learning new tidbits about Shailene Woodley’s life is like watching a little sunflower sprout from a crack in the pavement. For example, in yesterday’s Hollywood Reporter profile (which describes her as “The Next Jennifer Lawrence”), the reader learns that “when in Los Angeles, she lugs 5-gallon carboys up in the mountains to capture her own drinking water.”

Woodley also seems to indicate that she’s willing to hug every person who interviews her and/or whom she interacts with. After The Hollywood Reporter writer Tatiana Siegel asked why she was greeted by such a warm hug, Woodley responded:

We’ve got a set amount of time in our lives, you know. You might as well make every conversation count. So that’s like the hug. It’s kind of like, ‘Hey, I’m real. You’re real. Let’s connect.’

Immediately launching into a discussion of mortality when asked about hugging might seem a little dark, but EVEN SO, somehow Woodley does it like a sunflower would. I want to feel like fun hippie-starlet sprite! Will I start viewing every hug as a cheery memento mori?  I don’t know yet! Maybe. It definitely sounds less exhausting than hiking a bunch of miles to collect my own mountain water.

Shailene Woodley Might Hug All Her Interviewers