naming things

Reese Witherspoon’s Lifestyle Company Sounds Kind of Mad Men–Themed

Photo: Bauer-Griffin/Getty Images

Adorable sundress Reese Witherspoon has announced the name of her lifestyle company. One might have initially assumed she would mine her own euphonic name somehow: perhaps “Reese’s Fleeces” or “Not Just Spoons” or “Wither or Knot!” Something goofy and fun.

Nope! Ms. Witherspoon is very serious about this lifestyle company. She’s calling it Draper James. Reportedly, these are the names of Witherspoon’s nieces; however, we cannot help wondering if Witherspoon wanted to convey the impression of oaky, sleekly mid-century, antiheroic premium-cable angst.

She also announced that Draper James will launch in 2015 and sell items including but not limited to: bed and bath products, lingerie, kitchenware, furniture, stationery, swaddling blankets, plastic storage containers. An official description notes that all these linens and things will “emphasize her Southern roots and personal style.”

Reese Witherspoon’s Company: Mad Men–Themed?