gay marriage


Erika Turner (R) and Jennifer Melsop (2nd R) of Centreville, Virginia, becomes the first same sex marriage in Arlington County as the couple come out from Arlington County Courthouse as Clerk of the Circuit Court of Arlington County Paul Ferguson (L) looks on October 6, 2014 in Arlington, Virginia.
Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images

It may seem strange now given the gay-rights advances of recent years, but there was a time, not too long ago, when a loud contingent of Americans seemed convinced that same-sex relationships posed a serious threat to the (obviously flawless) institution of heterosexual marriage, if not to family life in the United States as a whole.

These voices have mostly piped down since the peak of the Bush-era culture wars, and a recent study in the Journal of Marriage and Family — the “first nationally representative longitudinal study of same-sex couples,” in fact — highlights just how boringly normal circa-2014 gay couples are (non-paywalled draft PDF here).

In short, married or otherwise very-committed same-sex couples look a lot like their straight counterparts:

Once marriage and marriage-like unions are controlled for, same-sex couples and heterosexual couples have statistically indistinguishable rates of breakup[.] … Despite the fact that none of the same-sex couples in the United States in the 2009–2012 period enjoyed the same legal benefits and federal recognition as heterosexual married couples (because of the [Defense of Marriage Act, which was overturned in 2013]), the association between marriage and couple stability was similar for same-sex couples and for heterosexual couples[.]

In conclusion: yawn.

Here’s an Unsurprising Fact About Gay Couples