5 Weirdly Stylish Instagram Accounts to Follow

Photo: 20th Century-Fox Film Corp/Courtesy Everett Collection

Scrolling through Instagram for style inspiration can be bleak, but if you dig deep enough, past the thirst traps, posturing, and outfits of the day, you can find plenty of refreshing accounts with strange and beautiful images to add a little life to your feed. Here’s a list of five offbeat accounts to follow now, offering everything from dramatic vintage French film stills to yoga spreads to help you get fashionably Zen.


Who: Chiara Bardelli Nonino is the photo editor at Vogue Italia.

Why: Because she offers mind-bending imagery every day. From vagina-inspired sculptures to freaky beauty and surreal fashion spreads, this account has you covered.


Who: Anonymous fashion consultant from Los Angeles who also maintains the Tumblr 24 Hours in the Life of a Woman.

Why: Love old Hollywood glamour? Check out this vintage photograph mix of handsome men on- and offscreen, from Robert Redford to a young Jack Nicholson, along with evocative and often obscure movie quotes.


Who: Sky Ting Yoga studio in New York.

Why: What’s better motivation for hitting your mat than a range of celebrities looking glamorously Zen, like meditative Sade, set against moody skyscapes?


Who: Melissa Burns is a musician, DJ, DIS magazine writer, and model.

Why: Because she offers a window into New York’s underground scene. Follow her to find the next Hood by Air, see club-kid looks fresh off the runway, and experience raunchy nightlife fashion.


Who: Anonymous, but if you can’t get enough of the photos on Instagram, this mysterious cinephile is also on Twitter.

Why: Yeah, smoking kills, but looking at old photos of chic people smoking is harmless. Plus, the beautiful cinema stills offer style inspiration, e.g., the fuzzy sweater in Paris, Texas or Jean Seberg’s Godard-era pixie cut.