
Let Demi Lovato Be an Example of Why You Should Stay in Your Lane

Demi Lovato.
Demi Lovato. Photo: Mike Coppola/Getty Images

Today in sentences that would probably not make sense before 2016: Demi Lovato is taking a break from social media (except for Snapchat) after her comment on a Mariah Carey vs. Ariana Grande meme sparked outrage from fans.

Last week, Lovato commented, “You got it the wrong way around honey,” on a picture that posited that Ariana Grande is an inferior version of young Mariah Carey.

Mariah Carey’s fans, a.k.a. the Lambily, were not having this. After an onslaught of angry comments, Lovato replied, “This is why I posted what I did. Jen keeps it classy but I’m not afraid to say shit. The woman is mean for no reason.”

Wow. It takes a lot of nerve to not only slander a legendary diva like Mariah Carey, but to also casually refer to Jennifer Lopez as “Jen.”

“Extremely talented? Yes,” Lovato continued. “Superhuman? Possibly. Unnecessarily rude? Absolutely.”

It seems as if fans found her comments to be “unnecessarily rude” as well, because by yesterday, Lovato declared to Twitter that she was taking a hiatus on account of her habit of “sayin shit.”

She’ll still stick to Snapchat because there are no @-replies there.

Thank you, Demi Lovato, for this powerful reminder of the importance of minding your own business.

Fans Drive Demi Lovato to Leave Social Media