best bets

Best Bet: Next-Generation Polaroid Film

Polaroid quit the instant-film business in 2008, but like vinyl records, the technology doesn’t want to die. A small group of analog-photo buffs called the Impossible Project has just released a fresh batch of next-generation film for Polaroid cameras, to be sold at the Impossible Project Space, a new store and photo gallery in a fifth-floor loft in Soho ($21 per pack; 425 Broadway, near Canal Street; 212-219-3254). The black-and-white (or, really, sepia-and-white) insta-film is tricky to handle — it’s fussy about temperature and bright light — but with a little practice, the results are markedly pretty, in a tintype-from-the-dawn-of-photography way.

The Best Bet [NYM]

Best Bet: Next-Generation Polaroid Film