
Carla Bruni Looks Pregnant

Photo: Franck Prevel/2011 Getty Images

The first lady of France, Carla Bruni, looked “visibly pregnant” as she welcomed the wives of G8 leaders in Deauville, France, to a luncheon, the AFP reports. Bruni and her husband, Nicolas Sarkozy, have not commented on the state of the apparent bump, though Sarkozy’s dad said she is pregnant. Carla “made no attempt to hide the bump and smiled broadly as her counterparts arrived,” the AFP adds. Carla has not denied the pregnancy either, telling reporters she was wary of “[turning] a kind of small fish into a whale.” Well, now it really looks like that small fish is the whale in the room. So get ready for all sorts of fashion blog posts peppered with (allegedly) cute French phrases. Today, the HuffPo busted out “bump de bébé.”

Carla Bruni, visibly pregnant, welcomes G8 wives [AFP]


Carla Bruni Looks Pregnant