dash indeed

Cathy Horyn Has a Suggestion for Kim Kardashian’s Wedding

The bride-to-be.
The bride-to-be. Photo: Jason Merritt/2011 Getty Images

Since you can’t click a single thing on the Internet today without being accosted by information about Kim Kardashian’s wedding on Saturday, here’s Cathy Horyn’s take on the situation:

I couldn’t help noticing a Huffington Post item about Kim Kardashian’s wedding, and comments from readers professing to be appalled that she has reportedly asked her guests to wear black or white. Actually, thinking how nothing seems far-fetched these days, some of the comments are pretty funny in the abstract. Here are two: “Who does she think she is, asking the guest (sic) to dress a certain way? The Queen of England?” and “Can you imagine waking up everyday thinking the world revolves around YOU?”

I think Ms. Kardashian understands her act completely. Maybe if she has some more spare time before her wedding this weekend, she can design a line of T-shirts printed with those lines.

Obviously she’ll do nothing of the sort before tomorrow, but this is a pretty evergreen idea. Especially since Internet commenters will never run out of things to say about Kim, or things to say in general.

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Cathy Horyn Has a Suggestion for Kim Kardashian’s Wedding