friends in high places

Jamie Hince Feels Awkward at Fashion Shows

Jamie Hince, looking just as awkward as he feels.
Jamie Hince, looking just as awkward as he feels. Photo: Dave M. Benett/Getty Images

Fashion shows are horrendously awkward affairs. As non-famous people who spend most of our time trying not to wander into pictures, trip over lighting wires, or stare too creepily at celebrities, we can only imagine how said celebrities must feel in the same setting. Surely they suffer from all the same quandaries that we do, plus a whole bunch more, like what on Earth to say to whatever starlet they’re seated next to or making sure their skirt won’t do this in front of a million photographers. But of course, when you ask most celebrities if they want to crawl under their chairs, they just smile and say, “Of course not! It’s such an honor to be here!” as they fondle their free clothes. Except for Jamie Hince, Kate Moss’s husband. He feels just as silly as the rest of us.

In the latest British GQ, Hince talks about his weird relationship to fashion. It’s hard to tell whether he means to be serious or not, which of course makes his comments even funnier. (It also helps to read this with a British accent or, if you happen to have a British co-worker, just have him read it aloud for you.)

On performing at New York Fashion Week:

We were at New York Fashion Week because we happened to be in New York and we were invited to play at a Marc Jacobs party. A party’s a party, isn’t it? And I like Marc Jacobs. He came to my wedding.

On sitting front row at Stella McCartney:

She is my friend, and her dad was in the Beatles. 

On personal style and hygiene:

Never wear a hat and sunglasses at the same time, because it looks like you’re wearing a disguise. Also, change your scarf regularly.

On attending fashion shows:

You can tell I’m a bit awkward about it. I feel a bit uncomfortable about where the whole fashion and music thing came from, really. Sometimes I feel like: “What am I doing here?” 

Well, at least that last quote is something we can relate to.

Jamie Hince Feels Awkward at Fashion Shows