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David Gandy Reminds Us, Once Again, That He Isn’t Perfect

David Gandy. (Not pictured: the goose.)
David Gandy. (Not pictured: the goose.) Photo: Dave M. Benett/Getty Images

In the June issue of Men’s Health U.K., model David Gandy made a series of self-deprecating statements, including: “I hate my hair, my lips, my nose,” “I’ve never really fitted in anywhere,” “I’m clever in many respects, but not academically,” and “I can’t say I have many [friends] from the fashion industry.” But the Gandy Man was displeased with the pickups of his quotations, writing on his British Vogue blog:

A couple of things I said were misconstrued when used by some of the newspapers in the UK which was disappointing. I explained in the interview that I am a perfectionist when it comes to my work, interior design, car restorations etc, and said that ex-girlfriends had sometimes found that difficult. I went on to point out the various other imperfections I think I have! I’m not sure why, but that was then reported that I think that I am perfect — I was actually saying the opposite.

Hey, your issues weren’t lost on us! Gandy goes on:

Still I learnt from that, and maybe this is why some people in the public eye hold back which, in the long run, is a shame for the reader. However, as monty python states “always look on the bright side of life”.

He spends part of the remaining blog post talking about how a goose outshone him on a recent photo shoot.

David Gandy Reminds Us That He Isn’t Perfect