not naming names

10 Types of People You Meet at Fashion Week Parties

Photo: Peter Arkle

Unlike actual parties, the fun of going out during Fashion Week isn’t so much in the going out itself, but the people you see while you’re out. Yes, each and every one of these well-dressed preeners can be spotted during daylight — mere hours earlier, at whatever fashion show they’ve dressed up for — but to see them all in one dark, free-Champagne-filled room is a study in engineered social hierarchies. You ask yourself several questions, all at once: Wait, she’s a lesbian now? Has that drunk guy in a suit ever had a job? Did that Parsons student make her own shoes? And what’s the one thing that bloggers and models have in common? (The answer: Both only arrive in groups, together, of no less than three.) To help make sense of the throngs — whether you’re gawking across the room or just from your computer screen — the Cut asked Peter Arkle to illustrate the ten types of people you see at fashion parties. Just like when he drew the folks you see at Fashion Week, we’re not naming names.

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10 Types of People You Meet at Fashion Parties