war on men

‘War on Men’ Writer: Lean on Your Husband

Photo: Courtesy Photo

Remember Suzanne Venker? The St. Louis mother and author of The Flipside of Feminism who wrote last year there was a “War on Men” by feminists who emasculated them with their financial independence? She’s back with another Fox News op-ed and a new website for women who support the men’s rights movement. (More on those guys in the New York Times Book Review this weekend.) This time, Venker argues that women will never “have it all” until they “lean on their husbands” (a feminist jargon two-for-one) and embrace their natural affinity for part-time work.


“That women prefer part-time work is simply irrefutable,” she writes, citing a Pew poll that found that women are more likely to value a job with a flexible schedule than men, who are more likely to value a high-paying job. (This finding was the caveat in a report that mostly saw gender roles converging, especially among younger people.) According to Venker, there’s “no way” to be  a “mother and a full-time employee and still create balance.” Facilitating that balance isn’t worthy goal for society either, apparently— not when “you can have balance by depending on a husband who works full-time and year-round”! And not to worry, DH will love his life as walking paycheck.“That’s how most men feel a sense of purpose,” she explains. Which is almost sad enough to make me a men’s rights activist, too. 

‘War on Men’ Writer: Lean on Your Husband