
Astrology GIFs for the Week of March 3, 2014

Yet another retrograde motion begins this March: This time, it’s stern Saturn in deep, watery Scorpio. Saturn is often depicted as Father Time, with a sickle and hourglass in hand; he reminds us that anything material will eventually expire. This realization may seem intimidating, but it can also be beneficial. Until July, the past (and perhaps even your own mortality) will play an important role in your thinking. You’ll be able to come to terms with losses you’ve experienced and realize the important lessons and strength gained through difficult times. Take the next few months to ponder why failures are the key to success.

Venus enters strange and wacky Aquarius on Wednesday the 5th, and for a while you will be dating, meeting, or socializing with new groups of people you never imagined you’d be with. This can be a fun period of sexual abandon and wild times, but be careful not to fizzle (or freak) out when Venus enters Pisces, the cardinal water sign, next month. You will be more sensitive then, so turn the party up now before things get emotional.

To balance the effects of Saturn’s retrograde motion, lucky Jupiter exalted in Cancer makes its direct station on Thursday March 6th, which will increase business, joy, and bounty — but only if you’ve worked for it. That’s why the universe turns Saturn backwards and stationed Jupiter direct: to teach us to reap what we sow.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Have fun or spend time with your family this month, as Jupiter goes direct in your sector of home-life. Enjoy these last weeks of winter by relaxing at the house, surrounded by relatives or parents, if possible. If you’ve not been feeling well or have had a health issue that’s been on your mind, you may just get to the bottom of your concerns as your sixth house of health matters (presently Virgo) will improve things as Mercury turns direct. Also, good news you’ve been waiting for could arrive from a group or organization as Venus enters Aquarius, where she will reside until May.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Money increases as Venus enters your tenth house of business and joins transaction-oriented Mercury as it stations direct this Friday. You may use the next few weeks to increase your income in unusual ways. Now you have what it takes to experiment with moneymaking techniques, however that may apply to your trade. Until mid-March, however, be wary of socializing with groups of people who may not be how they appear. You could end up getting hurt if you allow in those who don’t deserve your friendship.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Money or deals related to home sales, rentals, or real estate will benefit from an exalted Jupiter stationed direct in Cancer, currently in your sector of finance. Cancer is the sign of the home because the crab carries her abode with her wherever she travels. Mercury will energize stalled deals and facilitate progress regarding commerce. But you’ll have to be careful of scams or illusions until mid-month, so keep that in mind when dealing with “too good to be true” scenarios.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

This is an extremely lucky time for you, Cancer: You have the great blessing of Jupiter, the planet of your Exaltation, stationed direct in your sign. This doesn’t mean that the next few weeks will be particularly fun, but they will be lucky, so take advantage of the extra kick of good fortune and allow bounty to grow through hard work. Your health should also improve under this transit.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

It’s time to celebrate: Jupiter stationed direct in Cancer gives your sector of fun (currently in Sagittarius) a zap of joviality. In the meantime, home life could be bumpy while Saturn occupies your sector of household and family. Saturn may dredge up issues from the past that need to change and transform the domestic dynamic. In the meantime, stay out and have fun. You have the opportunity (amorously or financially) to link with someone unusual as Mercury and Venus enter your seventh house of romantic relationships and business partnerships. This is a particularly good time for finances, Leo.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Beware of mirages regarding business partnerships. Reevaluate the efficiency of such relationships. Is there a reciprocal exchange of effort and revenue? If not, it may be time to make some changes. Traveling someplace foreign would be quite stimulating this month. Mercury, your ruler, (now stationed direct) will lend a hand in navigating difficult decisions, so have faith in your instincts.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

When you do venture outside as temperatures increase, get ready to turn things up as Venus in Aquarius lights up your sector of fun: This combination promises a potential romp with someone out of the ordinary. If you are interested, take the leap. Just take proper precautions — emotionally and physically — so that boundaries aren’t crossed and play doesn’t become something serious.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Get ready to deal with past issues as Saturn stations retrograde in your sign this month. Mars, your ruler, is also retrograde and in Detriment. This is a recipe for low energy if you don’t pay special attention to your health and diet. Try to eat more wholesome foods, including lots of red fruits and vegetables. Get the rest you need. This is a favorable time for income, on the other hand, as Jupiter stations bump up Sagittarius (currently your second house of wealth). You may have fun experiencing something mystical as the Sun and Neptune hover in psychic Pisces — and you might also get some answers in the process.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

With Jupiter direct and in Exaltation, you may feel an extra boost of enthusiasm — decide where  to direct this new energy. You may receive money from someone else, perhaps a parent or relative, or even a bank loan. Be careful about getting into arguments with groups of people. Use social media to improve your business, publicize your brand, or network — not to engage in arguments of any kind.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Your love life gets a boost this month thanks to Jupiter influencing your seventh house of romance and fiscal partnerships. As Venus enters Aquarius, your money sector is on fire: Venus can bring sex, but also cash. The color green — the color of both nature and money  — is the primary color sacred to Venus. You’ll have fun shopping for items you might may not usually purchase, such as unusual foods, interesting art, or furniture. Perhaps a strange spa treatment would be satisfying. Or sing something uncommon at a karaoke bar, as your fifth house of entertainment is now in Taurus, which is ruled by the throat, and Venus is in kooky Aquarius.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

As Mercury returns to direct motion in your sign, and your ruler, Saturn, appears retrograde in your area of beliefs, be careful not to come across as indignant and too pushy when expressing your opinions. Listen to others and speak tactfully, as Saturn looms in touchy Scorpio. But when Venus enters your sign Wednesday, all beauty treatments, shopping excursions, and romantic endeavors are favored.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Throw a party at home as Jupiter stations direct in your arena of pleasure and amusement through Cancer, the sign of the household. Everyone is bound to have a great time, and this is a way to get your mind off of the winter’s romantic doldrums. You may meet someone new if you are looking, but this person would be a guest of someone unknown. Make room for more guests than you actually plan to have over and a you may receive a pleasant surprise … either way it’s always good to make new friends.

David Scoroposki is a professional astrologer working in New York City. GIF reporting by Maggie Lange.

Astrology GIFs for the Week of March 3, 2014