first ladies

Being First Lady Really Put a Damper on Carla Bruni’s Cosmetics Contracts

Photo: Pierre Suu/Getty Images

Secret recordings made by a top aide to former president of France Nicolas Sarkozy in 2011 have been leaked to French media outlets. The best revelation of the so-called Sarkoleaks is first lady Carla Bruni interrupting a discussion about real estate to joke about how she had to put all her cosmetics contracts on hold during his presidency — and just as she was entering her anti-aging years! Read a transcript of the conversation at if you don’t trust the Cut and the Daily Mail’s translation. 

NICOLAS SARKOZY : When I was Minister of the Budget and I invited [Governor of the Bank of France] Mr. Noyer to Bercy. I had a rented apartment on Rue Pierre Charon. I paid, because at the time you paid nothing!

CARLA BRUNI SARKOZY : I always thought we should keep…

NICOLAS SARKOZY : And we have one rented house along with three official residences.

CARLA BRUNI SARKOZY : Well, yes, but that’s because I subsidize you.


CARLA BRUNI SARKOZY : And I thought I was marrying a man with a salary and … Brouhaha… I had fabulous contracts and, then, nothing!  A la la la la la… Luckily, after….

NICOLAS SARKOZY : See that I get rich by getting married.

CARLA BRUNI SARKOZY : I think I’m going to re-sign some contracts. I’m not even going to wait a very long time. If I may, a cool little contract like that? You agree, they’re not going to sell the anti-wrinkle cream campaign to a 22-year-old, right?


CARLA BRUNI SARKOZY: Julia Roberts 44, Sharon Stone 52, Julianne Moore 53… All of them have fabulous contracts, no? I can’t take them for the moment, it’s not done.

NICOLAS SARKOZY: I’m telling you, my future is to be Mr. Ramirez at the cash register.


CARLA BRUNI SARKOZY : No. Just that I can do my job already, like that… to support… very expensive… I’m telling you I am crazy about him… well… we’re losing our minds, huh?

Although many found Sarkozy’s ability not to be emasculated by Bruni’s earning power and Bruni’s memory for celebrities’ ages somewhat charming, the couple plans to sue for breach of privacy. 

Carla Bruni Psyched to Sell Anti-Wrinkle Cream