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Book Entitled How to Poo on a Date Wins Award for Its Title

How to Poo on a Date has won the 36th annual Oddest Title book prize, which is selected through an online ballot run by British trade-magazine The Bookseller.

Of course, I have never served on a panel devoted to judging odd word combinations over the course of a 12-month period, but this title seems pretty straightforward to me. Judging from the description of the guidebook, this title explains exactly what will be contained in the book. “How to X on a Y” follows a pretty standard structure for self-help books. Of all the $5 words in the world, this author uses words that are free.

But there we are with the word poo, a thing people produce every day most days: Evidently poop remains a thing that can absolutely bring down a house and win awards with its oddness.

P.S. How do you poop on a date? I recommend saying something along the lines of: Wow, I’m really intrigued with your proto-feminist reading of True Detective. I’m going to deliver my counterpoint via text message from the bathroom, because I like to be alone to think, so don’t worry if I’m in there a while.

How to Poo on a Date: An Award-Winning Title