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Cara Delevingne Stayed Awake Long Enough to Send Angry Tweets

Photo: Splash News/Corbis

Like a princess under a sorcerer’s magic slumber spell, Cara Delevingne is prone to dozing off, wherever she may be — whether that’s a Mulberry photo shoot, or even her Vogue interview. After writer Plum Sykes reported that Delevingne fell asleep two times during the course of being interviewed for the piece, the model took to Twitter for a sort-of rebuttal that was riddled with tortured question marks. “Why do people in the industry lie so much???? They would rather see you fail than succeed. What happened to supporting each other,” Delevingne tweeted, adding, “It’s even worse when your [sic] trying to fight people that have all the power because then you are powerless. All I can say is that I work extremely hard and ‘sleeping’ is proof that sometimes I work too hard. I apologise for being so ambitious.” Fight the power, Cara!

Delevingne Woke Up Long Enough to Tweet Angrily