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The Modern Businesswoman Drinks Like Don Draper

Photo: Justina Mintz/AMC

Business strategy consulting firm ReD partnered with a prominent alcohol brand for a “cross-cultural ethnographic study of female empowerment,” which focused on how the female executive boozes today.

Across the board and the world, these women report that their empowering drink of choice is something strong and straight up. The authors of the article for Quartz, Charlotte Vangsgaard and Filip Lau, write: 

Professionals in our study described specific cocktail strategies to signify strength, confidence, and toughness to male colleagues. Take one of our participants, Gina, a tech entrepreneur from São Paulo. She told us that her choice of drink, and even the quantity she consumed, was part of her “hard-edged” business performance: “I would make a point of drinking rum, straight up, in a big glass wherever I was at a business networking event,” she said.

In America, the power-booze is whiskey, served with ice and presumably quaffed with steely-eyed diligence.

The Modern Businesswoman Drinks Like Don Draper