trend or not

Special New York Times Report: Flower Crowns Might Still Be a Thing

Photo: Shutterstock

When is a thing a thing and then not a thing, and then a thing again? How can we follow the cyclical patterns? How do we spot things on their mercurial, asymptotic path of being things? These are questions not asked, per se, by the New York Times trend report on flower crowns from last week. But these are the themes.

For example, this could be read as simplistic “It”-girl-name-dropping:

Inspired by the bohemian, petal-adorned style of celebrities like Lana Del Rey, who is photographed more often than not with technicolor roses atop her long locks, chic urbanites are increasingly drawn to flower headpieces as both a fashion statement and a novel way to reconnect with the natural world.

Lana is back now (well spotted!), though without the floral head-wreath that was her trademark (circa 2012). By conjuring that bygone Lana, the Times evokes her ghostly transience: She both is and is not of our moment. Is she a trend? It’s a question.

While the article cites flower-crown sightings at at least two parties in the recent past, it also includes an impressively general centuries-old “Midsummer Night parties,” inspiring the question: Do people ever change?

Last month, at an H&M event in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Taylor Tomasi Hill of TTHBlooms made floral crowns for guests. At a tiki party at Reformation, the buzzy Lower East Side vintage boutique, girls wore fresh orchid leis as headpieces. At Midsummer Night parties, young women wore pretty floral creations atop their heads to celebrate the bounty of the season.

Do our flower crowns mark humanity as ceaselessly borne back into the past? Are the crowns themselves just a fashionable snake-eating-its-tail that signifies our inability to evolve? The New York Times wonders. 

The piece ends with a recent statement from expert in whatever field she wants, Courtney Love, who told Style“I’m going to say something and I’m going to stand by it, which is this: Flower crowns are over.” Unfortunately, the Times cut this statement short and failed to include a direct threat from Love: “If I see one more fucking flower crown, I’m going to kick someone’s ass.” The New York Times just said, Bring it on

NYT Wonders If the Flower Crown Is Still a Thing