The Kardashians Will Be Eating Velveeta Today

Kim Kardashian.
Kim Kardashian. Photo: Peter Kramer/NBCUniversal, Inc.

Khloé Kardashian’s “Famous Thanksgiving Mac & Cheese” includes only six steps, the last of which is “enjoy!” So that you can, too, she shared the recipe on her app.

Not to be outdone in any way, shape, or form, Kim has a mac-and-cheese recipe, too. She even preempted Khloé by sharing “Kim’s Super Cheesy Macaroni and Cheese” in Kris’s 2007 cookbook. Kim’s version of the orange delicacy has six types of cheese, no sign of the PAM butter-flavored spray that Khloé’s recipe calls for, and instructions with Italian phrases like “al dente.” Okay, Kim, we get it; you’ve been on an airplane.

But, one thing does unite these two recipes and it’s not their famous creators. It’s Velveeta! Both recipes call for the affordably priced ingredient known for producing an even, clump-free liquid texture. It’s not clear where, when, or with whom, but one thing is for sure — the Kardashians will consume Velveeta at some point in the next 18 hours.

That Khloé, Kim, Kourtney, Kendall, Kylie — and who knows, maybe even Rob — will be (publicly) eating like the rest of us humble peons is a touching tribute to the power of processed cheese.

The Kardashians Will Be Eating Velveeta Today