your daily dose of inspiration

Note From Wallet Thief Is an Inspiration to All of Us

Reilly Flaherty, a Wilco fan.
Reilly Flaherty, a Wilco fan. Photo: reillyflaherty/Instagram

Lower East Side bro Reilly Flaherty discovered his wallet was missing after a night of seeing Wilco in concert and perhaps YOLO-ing a bit too hard. After replacing his driver’s license and canceling his credit cards, he received a peculiar anonymous note in the mail. It read: >

Dear Reilly Flaherty

I found your wallet and your drivers license had your address so here’s your credit cards and other important stuff. I kept the cash because I needed weed, the metrocard because the fare’s $2.75 now, and the wallet cause it’s kinda cool. enjoy the rest of your day.



Photo: reillyflaherty/Instagram
Note From Wallet Thief Inspires All of Us