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Court Documents Reveal New Details in Stanford Rape

Photo: Tetra Images/This content is subject to copyright.

CNN has acquired the sentencing memo from the trial of Brock Turner, the Stanford college student who was found guilty of raping an unconscious woman. As if the case itself wasn’t harrowing enough, there’s more.

According to the documents,

Shortly after the Defendant’s arrest in the early morning hours of January 18, 2015, Detectives noticed a text message in the ‘Group Me’ application that appeared on the Defendant’s screen. It stated, ‘Who’s t*ts are those??’ (See Exhibit our: photos of screenshot.) A search warrant for the Defendant’s phone was obtained and his phone was searched by the Santa Clara County Crime lab. Detectives were unable to locate the text from the ‘Group me’ application or any photos related to that text. However, they learned that when there is a third-party application, the images are not stored on the phone and can be deleted by a third party member in the group.

The prosecutors provided the court with photos of a screengrab, but they couldn’t retrieve whatever photo the text is referring to.

CNN reports, “A witness told investigators that the day of the assault ‘he saw a female subject lying on the ground behind the dumpster … He also noticed a male subject standing over her with a cell phone. He was holding the cell phone. The cell phone had a bright light pointed in the direction of the female, using either a flashlight app in his phone or its built-in flash.’”

The documents reveals other details about Turner’s behavior, both in terms of drug and alcohol use and aggressive behavior towards women. You can read the entire PDF here, but be warned — it’s graphic.

Court Docs Reveal New Details in Stanford Rape