the swift pr machine

Tom Hiddleston Proudly Shows His Affection for Taylor Swift with an ‘I Heart T.S.’ Tank

Photo: Dave J Hogan/Getty Images

Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are bringing #Hiddleswift to new heights.

After publicly making out at plenty of beaches, concerts and the Vatican (where we’re now sure they did not repent), they’ve again taken to yet another beach to smooch in front of as many people as possible.

Except this time, Hiddleston decided to make sure that the grainy photos taken with a far-away telescope lens wouldn’t leave any doubt as to who he was smooching at the beach.

Oh, and he also had what looked like a small red heart with the letter “T,” on his bicep. Because, you know, the tank wasn’t clear enough.

For her part, Swift wore a red bathing suit, which fit nicely with the red, white, and blue color scheme for the Fourth of July. We’ll leave it as sheer coincidence that it also matched nicely to the red heart on Hiddleston’s tank.

Tom Hiddleston Wears Taylor Swift’s Initials