today in donald trump

Trump: ‘Most of the Powerful Men Running Companies Are Having Affairs’

Donald Trump, cherisher of women.
Donald Trump, cherisher of women. Photo: Mark Wilson/Getty Images

It’s no secret that Donald Trump doesn’t really appeal to women, and if you look at the way he talks about them, it’s easy to see why. He’s called at least one of them (Rosie O’Donnell) charming names such as “fat pig,” dog,” slob,” and “disgusting animals,” and although his campaign has tried to gloss over these facts by referring to the number of women Trump has hired to help run his business, the GOP nominee’s past keeps coming back to bite him.

This time, transcripts from his radio show, Trumped!, which ran from June 2004 to 2008 have come to light, and they’re just as damning as pretty much every aspect of Trump’s pre-political past. In various episodes of the daily 90-second program that he called the “biggest launch in radio history,” Trump talked about sex, affairs, and how much he loved Hillary Clinton.

“Sex is the most fun of all,” he said during a March 2005 episode. “Now there’s a topic I know a lot about … sexy women. They’ve caused me a lot of trouble.”

He also made frequent references to infidelity and affairs, in one case joking that “70 percent of Britons said infidelity can be forgiven. I guess I haven’t gone out with very many British women.” Two months after he married Melania, his third wife, Trump sympathized with a Boeing executive who was fired for having an affair:

As you may know, Boeing chief executive officer Harry Stonecipher was asked to resign after having an extra-marital affair with a female executive who was a lot younger and fairly attractive. It’s highly unusual that someone in his position would get fired for an affair, especially when it was consensual. No one was coerced, no one got a better job, more money, or any of that stuff. If you really did a poll, I would bet you most of the powerful men running companies are having affairs.

In an episode labeled “Recap,” he asked women to give him credit for firing Audrey Evans, “the best-looking woman ever on The Apprentice” for “totally [losing] control of her emotions:”

She had the look. Boy, did she have the look, but she didn’t have the leadership … Because Audrey’s beauty was so intense, at the end of the show the cameras got me slumped over in a chair saying, “Well, at least I didn’t bring back the best-looking one.” Ladies, I hope you give me some credit for that.

Interestingly, he also discussed Hillary Clinton’s political prowess, calling her a “really, really great person” and expressing support for her as a potential woman president. “Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, should try for the job [of President],” he said. “A significant majority of those women polled said that a female president would be better than a male president in handling domestic issues.”

Trump: Most Powerful Men Are Having Affairs