still crying

Joe Biden and Barack Obama Are BFFs and They Have the Friendship Bracelets to Prove It

Hard ship.
Hard ship. Photo: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/Getty Images

Today is President Obama’s last birthday in office, and everyone is getting emotional. Michelle Obama got the waterworks going with the most nauseatingly adorable tweet we’ve ever seen, and hours later Joe Biden chimed in to pay tribute to his best friend forever.

Once you’ve wiped away the tears filling your eyes, take a minute to admire the craftsmanship here. Those neon braids! Perfectly accented by blue and yellow beads! And … is that pie? We hope it’s pie.

Of course, these particular friendship bracelets might seem familiar to some, but it’s the tweet that counts, right?

The Clintons dutifully sent along their well-wishes to the president, too. Which was nice and all, but it’s hard to measure up to Joe and Barack’s unconditional love.

Joe Biden Proves He and Barack Obama Are BFFs