spicey's second act

Poll Finds Literally Nobody Thinks Sean Spicer Is Sexy

Sean Spicer Photo: Getty Images

Sean Spicer may be boasting about his popularity overseas, but at home his appeal falls a little flat. According to Politico, he pretty much bombed a celebrity popularity poll, scoring just 13 out of a possible 100 percent. E-Score, a polling company used by talent agencies, surveyed 1,100 adults meant to represent the typical American TV audience, and it looks like those who had heard of Spicer found him to be pretty unappealing.

Sixty-four percent of respondents had a “negative opinion” of Spicer, while just 36 percent liked him. And although he has a 29-percent awareness rating, which is relatively high, his “aggressiveness” score was 28 percent (other political figures average 13 percent), and his “insincerity” rating was 29 percent, compared to 19 percent for other politicians. He also scored pretty high on “creepy” — 27 percent, compared to other politicians’ average of 15.

Spicer’s overall score – 13 – was high compared to people like Jared Kushner and GOP Senator Lindsey Graham, who scored a 5 and a 6, respectively, but pretty low compared to Megyn Kelly (52) and Oprah (96).

Despite being “one of the most popular guys in Ireland,” the former press secretary has yet to land a TV deal. CNN has said his “credibility issues” make him an unattractive hire, and while Fox News has reportedly expressed some interest, is has yet to offer him a contract. But Spicer isn’t discouraged:

A source close to Spicer said that he had two “traditional” and three “nontraditional” TV deals in the works, as well as “several exciting and lucrative consultancies — foreign and domestic” — and “multiple interested publishers.”

The source added that Spicer, who recently landed a paid speaking job, “is doing just fine.” And hey, he’ll always have floods of selfie requests.

Poll Finds Literally Nobody Thinks Sean Spicer Is Sexy