rebel without a cause

Rebellious Teen Donald Trump Keeps Sneaking His Personal Cell Phone

Donald Trump. Photo: Donaldson Collection/Getty Images

White House chief of staff John Kelly is giving angsty White House teen President Donald Trump a tough time. Not only does Kelly keep telling him “no” about things like having his friends over, but he also tries to manage Trump’s calendar and get him to complete tasks. Ugh! So the teenager/president is rebelling the only way he knows how: by sneaking calls on his personal cell phone.

As CNN reports, Trump has recently been using his personal, unsecured cell phone to contact outside advisers, behind Kelly’s back. Apparently, when Kelly first came on as chief of staff back in July, Trump was obeying the rules Kelly implemented — even going so far as to make his calls officially through the White House switchboard. But now, all of that has changed. Per CNN:

While Trump never entirely gave up his personal cell phone once Kelly came aboard, one source close to the White House speculated that the President is ramping up the use of his personal device recently in part because “he doesn’t want Kelly to know who he’s talking to.”

The senior White House official said Trump “is talking to all sorts of people on it,” noting Trump’s barrage of private calls is a “recent development.”

The president has apparently been using his cell phone to reach out directly to GOP lawmakers, and he’s also been using it to solicit advice outside of the West Wing. On top of that, Trump has also reportedly not been informing Kelly of a bunch of different meetings he’s been having. “There used to be a level of babysitting, and it wasn’t organized,” one source said.

At least we know how Trump has likely been hiding his cell phone.

Rebellious Teen Donald Trump Sneaks His Personal Cell Phone