hillary clinton

Hillary Clinton Still Thinks Bill Clinton Didn’t Abuse His Power With Monica Lewinsky

Hillary and Bill Clinton at President Trump's inauguration.
Hillary and Bill Clinton at President Trump’s inauguration. Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

During a CBS News Sunday Morning appearance, Hillary Clinton was asked about her husband, former president Bill Clinton, and the sex scandal that involved Monica Lewinsky.

“In retrospect, do you think Bill should’ve resigned in the wake of the Monica Lewinsky scandal?” asked CBS News’ Tony Dokoupil.

“Absolutely not,” Clinton responded.

When pressed on whether she thought the scandal was an abuse of power on Bill’s end, Hillary was adamant: “No, no.”

Monica Lewinsky was 22 and Bill Clinton was 49 when the affair took place. He was also the president of the United States and Lewinsky’s boss. The scandal was one of several instances where the former president was accused of inappropriate sexual conduct.

In a cultural moment where powerful men are being forced to face their accusers (even if they aren’t always forced to face consequences), Hillary’s statements are dated. Lewinsky has since become an outspoken advocate against bullying, and has spoken openly about how the Clinton sex scandal negatively impacted her life.

Hillary, pulling a Donald Trump, deflected questions about Bill’s sexual misbehavior, and brought up the allegations against the current president. “Let me ask you this,” she said. “Where’s the investigation of the current incumbent, against whom numerous allegations have been made, and which he dismisses, denies, and ridicules?”

She’s right on that last point. Numerous allegations shouldn’t be ignored, and they should all be investigated.

Hillary Clinton Is Still Defending Bill’s Bad Behavior