hairy situations

Your Face Is Missing Something

Face-framing tendrils in a variety of widths and textures. Photo: Getty Images

Look at your face in the mirror. Or the front-facing camera, if you’re feeling particularly unhinged. Does it feel like you’re missing something? Like the sides of your face are more vulnerable than usual? Do your cheeks maybe feel a bit little cold? A little naked, even? Have you been feeling this way, if you’re honest with yourself, since the late ’90s or early 2000s?

If that’s the case, then you will be thrilled to hear that the good ol’ face-framing tendrils (FFT) are back. Like many a throwback trend, FFTs are in the midst of a full-blown resurgence, and simply looking at them on other people may make you question why you ever stopped pulling two strands out of the front of every ponytail. Tendrils kind of let you hide behind your hair, without having to wear all of your hair down; they kind of contour your face, without having to wear a bunch of makeup or knowing how to contour in the first place.

FFTs have the most impact when worn with an overly hair-sprayed prom updo, but they’re down for anything: a painful Ariana pony, adult pigtails, a voluptuous headband. Either way, your cheeks will be pumped to have some company during cuffing season. Here’s some inspiration for you both.

For the Statement Maker

Gel or hairspray your FFTs so they’re sharp and pointy enough to compete with a cat-eye or statement lip.

For the Stressed-Out

Gel or hairspray your FFTs onto your face for a comforting face hug that lasts all day long.

For the Turt-Lover

Pile most of your hair on top of your head and let your neck fabric shine.

For Especially Cold Cheeks

Repeat the above, but beef up the width of your FFTs to keep your cheeks nice and toasty.

For Anyone With a Scrunchie

Pair your FFTs with a scrunchie!

For the Trend Maximalist

Pair your FFTs with that other stressful albeit trendy throwback hairstyle.

For the Lazy Girl

No one said FFTs had to be even!

Your Face Is Missing Something