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AXE Body Spray Condemns the MAGA Insurrectionists

Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Axe, Getty Images

Surreal photos of the chaos left behind from Wednesday’s Capitol siege continue to surface: costumed right-wing insurgents literally swinging from the rafters of Congress, smashing windows, stealing government property. Another has surfaced on Twitter, depicting one can of Axe body spray abandoned among the wreckage and broken glass. Journalist Mike DeBonis tweeted, “Left by the mob: a lonely can of Axe body spray.”

Axe was quick to deny any association with the MAGA mob, refusing to be labeled as the scent of sedition. “We’d rather be lonely than with that mob. AXE condemns yesterday’s acts of violence and hate at the Capitol. We believe in the democratic process and the peaceful transition of power,” the brand fired back.

Axe body spray, welcome to the resistance?

AXE Body Spray Condemns the MAGA Insurrectionists