
New York’s Most Terrifying Rich Kids Are Back

Photo: HBO

I know I’m not the only one who missed my weekly look into New York’s most outrageous rich-kid drama. If you’re still thinking about the crazy Gossip Girl midseason finale (i.e., threesome), I have good news for you: TV’s most terrifying superrich teens are back, and it looks like the series is only going to get wilder from here on out.

“Trigger warning followers: I promise this post will not be pretty” says Kristen Bell’s voiceover in the sultry trailer, which also features Ariana Grande’s “Seven Rings.” Cut to diamonds and Chanel bags and Venmo and partying. Ah, to be young and rich.

So what are these very realistic and relatable teens up to besides ruining fancy parties? From the looks of it, they are still all incredibly hot, though there are some new hairstyles. Mainly, there is lots and lots of making out. Of course, we also have drama, including a flawless delivery of the line “We’re not sisters. We’re not friends. We’re nothing,” presumably from Zoya to half-sister Julien, whom you may recall was seen kissing her ex, Obie (currently dating Zoya), in the last episode (please keep up). There’s talk of someone (Julien?) getting canceled. And, per Gossip Girl tradition, there’s Thanksgiving. Now all we need to know is where Julien’s hot dad is. Part two of this deranged drama airs on HBO Max beginning November 25.

New York’s Most Terrifying Rich Kids Are Back