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  1. bad news
    Bad News: Kate Winslet’s Husband, Ned Rocknroll, Changed His Name Back to SmithNed Rocknroll … were we ever so young?
  2. dogs
    At Last, the Top Dog Names of 2018Unfortunately, use of the name Pennywise has gone up 500 percent.
  3. science of us
    When Your Name Doesn’t Feel Like YouBelieving that your name doesn’t fit your personality can cause its own kind of constant impostor syndrome.
  4. wedding season
    3 Married Men Talk About Taking Their Wife’s Last NameWhen it just makes more sense.
  5. Yes, You Really Do Look Like Your Name“Our given name is our very first social tagging.”
  6. A Neuroscientist Explains Why You’re Terrible With NamesIn a purely objective sense, a person’s face and name are, by and large, unrelated.
  7. Girls’ and Boys’ Names Literally Sound DifferentDoes yours vibrate the vocal cords?
  8. Why You Sometimes Mix Up Your Friend’s Name With Your Dog’s NameA new study on a strange little brain tic.
  9. love and war
    Would You Pay Someone to Help Name Your Baby?Consultants are standing by to do market research on the name of your choice!
  10. dong watch
    Is Gilbert Really a Good Name for a Penis? Channing Tatum, let’s talk about this.
  11. Charlotte: A Name Fit for a Princess or a MonkeyIt’s very popular.
  12. endangered species
    Your Next Boyfriend Probably Won’t Be Named Gary Garys face extinction.
  13. motherhood
    Don’t Even Try to Pick the Perfect Baby NameGive up now: The game is rigged.
  14. Will Dave Brat’s Weird Name Cost Him at the Ballot Box?Research suggests it might, but mostly among voters with the least information.
  15. baby names
    Name Your Child As If You Were a Celebrity in the 1880sTrot on over, Texie.
  16. name game
    Girls Are Named in AmericaAn animated map shows the most popular girls names, state by state, since 1960.